Monday, December 1, 2008

New Leaders Elected in House and Senate

(reprinted from December edition of PBA E-News)

Democrat and Republican caucuses in the House and Senate have elected new leaders for the 2009-10 legislative session, as follows:

Senate Republicans

- Majority Leader: Dominic Pileggi
- Appropriations Chairman: Jake Corman
- Whip: Jane Orie
- Caucus Chairman: Mike Waugh
- Caucus Secretary: Rob Robbins

Senate Democrats

- Minority Leader: Bob Mellow
- Appropriations Chairman: Jay Costa
- Whip: Mike O'Pake
- Caucus Chairman: Vince Hughes
- Caucus Secretary: Sean Logan
- Policy Chair: Rich Kasunic
- Caucus Administrator: Christine Tartaglione

House Democrats

- Majority Leader: Todd Eachus
- Caucus Chairman: Mark Cohen
- Appropriations Chair: Dwight Evans
- Whip: Bill DeWeese
- Policy Chair: Mike Sturla
- Caucus Administrator: Ron Buxton
- Caucus Secretary: Jennifer Mann

House Republicans

- Minority Leader: Sam Smith
- Caucus Chairman: Sandy Major
- Appropriations Chair: Mario Civera
- Whip: Mike Turzai
- Policy Chair: Stan Saylor
- Caucus Administrator: Merle Phillips
- Caucus Secretary: Jerry Stern

In addition, the Senate Republicans have nominated Joseph Scarnati to continue as the president pro tempore for the 2009-10 session, while the Democrats in the House have nominated Keith McCall to be the speaker for the new session. Elections for these two positions will occur in January when the chambers first convene for the new session.

Additional information on the bills, as well as other legislation and state Capitol happenings of interest to the PBA is available by e-mailing the Legislative Department and by checking the PBA Legislative Boxscore at the link below



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