Tuesday, March 24, 2009

WBA Annual Meeting

Join us for the Annual Meeting of the Westmoreland Bar Association and Westmoreland Bar Foundation on Monday, April 6, 2009, at the Greensburg Country Club

Schedule of Events:

- Free CLE before the Annual Meeting: 3:15 to 4:15 p.m: For the Common Good: How the Private Bar & Laurel Legal Services Meet the Needs of the Indigent

- WBF Annual Meeting: 4:30 to 5 p.m.

- WBA Annual Meeting: 5 to 5:45 p.m.

- Reception: 5:45 to 6:30 p.m.

- Dinner: 6:30 to 8 p.m.

RSVP to the WBA office by Monday, March 30, 2009.


Open Invitation From the Young Lawyers Public Service Committee...

The Humane Society of Westmoreland County cordinally invites you to help save Homeless Animals by attending their Wine and Cheese Event.

Location: Rizzi’s Bar - Crabtree, Pennsylvania

Time: 7 PM – 9 PM

Date: April 17, 2009

Cost: Tickets - $30

Join Young Lawyers John Hauser and Michael V. Quatrini for a fun evening and help the Humane Society of Westmoreland County

If you would like to attend contact them at 724-837-3779 or hswcgbg@aol.com


Monday, March 9, 2009

Ned Nakles Inns of Court: March & April

March 18: 5:00 PM

April 30: 5:00 PM


WBA Tech Tip of the Month: Email Spoofing

Have you ever received an email sent to you by you? Or, have you received a failure notice that an email you sent to someone couldn¹t be delivered, except that you didn't send the email, and you don't know the recipient? You've been spoofed.

Spoofing describes fraudulent email activity where the Sender and other information is altered to appear as though the email came from someplace else. It¹s comparable to postal mail examples (and almost as easy to achieve), where someone sends thousands of mass mailings but disguises the return address on the envelope.

The typical reaction from most people is that their computer must be infected with a virus or spyware, causing the computer to send out unsolicited emails. But, in fact, what's taking place has nothing to do with you or your computer.

That also means there isn't much you can do to prevent spoofing. The best you can do is to verify that it really isn't you sending the emails - check your email Sent Items folder, make sure your virus software is working and up to date, and in an office environment ask your network administrator to verify that the emails aren't coming from your workstation.

Otherwise, take a deep breath, knowing that eventually the emails will stop, when the person who is actually generating them finally gets caught by his/her Internet or email Service Provider.


Young Lawyers Elections

All Young Lawyers are invited to the Monday, April 6th Election of New Officers for the WBA Young Lawyers. Elections will take place in conjunction with a Young Lawyers Committee Meeting beginning at 3 pm at the Greensburg Country Club. This is the same date as the Annual Meeting of the WBA, which is scheduled to begin at 4:30 pm.

Anyone interested in running for chair-elect should submit their letter of
interest to current YL Chair-elect Anthony Bompiani
(abompiani@bompianilawgroup.com ) by Friday,
March 20th.

Other positions available:



Subcommittee chairs needed too:



Bench Bar Conference

Public Service

Please consider taking on one of these YL positions.
