Monday, April 20, 2009

PBA Annual Meeting in Pittsburgh

(reprinted from April edition of PBA E-News)

The 2009 PBA Annual Meeting takes place June 2 - 4 at the Hilton Pittsburgh. Members won't want to miss the chance to explore some of the latest legal developments highlighted in the following CLE programs:

-- "Basic Consumer Bankruptcy Issues," 1.5 substantive hours CLE credit

-- "Chapter 11 Fundamentals," 1.5 substantive hours CLE credit--

"Fair Debt Collection in Pennsylvania," 1 substantive hour CLE credit

-- "A Donation Is a Terrible Thing to Waste: Fundraising Considerations in Challenging Times," 1.5 substantive hours CLE credit

-- "What's Hot in Elder Law and How It Affects Your Clients," 1 substantive hour CLE credit

-- "Developing and Presenting Your Case: A Case Study of 'A Few Good Men,'" 3 substantive hours CLE credit

-- "Family Law: New Rules, New Strategies in Tough Economic Times," 1 substantive hour CLE edit

-- "Saving the Family Home in the Subprime Mortgage Crisis Climate," 1 substantive hour CLE credit

The Annual Reception, Dinner and Dance welcoming Clifford E. Haines, incoming president, and honoring C. Dale McClain, outgoing president, begins at 6:30 p.m. on June 3. Dress is black tie-optional.

The House of Delegates Meeting begins at 9 a.m. on June 4.

Descriptions of CLE courses and a complete schedule for the Annual Meeting are included in the online brochure. Register soon. Hotel room group rates are $130 per room, per night, single or double occupancy. Group rates are guaranteed only until May 1. Link to the hotel Web site. Reservations received after May 1 will be accepted on a space available/rate available basis.


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